You can find the message at,4945,2044-1-5199-1,00.html Be sure to notice the new format located at
Each month, though I do get the Ensign and do take it with me to give my monthly message to my sisters, I also print off a copy of the message for them to have and read along with me. Many times they have not prepared the lesson yet for their own Visiting teaching, and it is just a little motivator and head start on what the message is on and getting it done themselves. I also like to take notes on the message, so it is nice to not have to mess up the Ensign, and just include my notes and thoughts on my own copy.
The message for July is a good one, as they all are, but especially important. Get it to the women early in the month because they have their children home from school summer vacation and focusing efforts on the family are important.
Check out the new radio program focused on the visiting teaching message each month!
~Jackie B. RS President in MI
Check out the new radio program focusing on the visiting teaching message each month.
This is great!!
~Jackie B. RS Pres in MI