By the way, when you begin counting your blessings, try to keep your eyes open and be aware of those around you who might not be quite so fortunate. Maybe they could use an invitation to a nice dinner. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives, challenges, triumphs, and everything in-between, we forget that we are all God's children and He loves each and everyone of us the very same. Pperhaps we could really make our Heavenly Father smile if he knew more of his children's needs were taken care of. Open your heart, and think about sharing your Thanksgiving dinner, and if you don't feel comfortable in bringing someone new into your house to share, you can always set aside a plate of food and deliver it to someone who could use it.
Something that helps me in being more generous, is to remember that when I see the homeless on the street, or the addict in the shadows, or the beggar with her hand out, I remember that those who are destitute, dispised, and downtrodden, are somebodys son or daughter, and on a grander scheme, they are our very own brothers and sisters, who are needing a helping hand.
THINK ABOUT IT. Enjoy my gift! Best regards, Kathleen Gauger