My husband is the bishop of our ward and he asked me to come up with a special message to give to our ward members. So... this is the story of how I came up with this wonderful message. A week or so ago, I attended the funeral of my sister in law's mother. My sweet sister in law, Kami Christensen Smith, gave the most inspired and wonderful talk which was the final talk of the funeral. She felt inspired to mend some family rifts and hearts and found this wonderful message given in a Devotional of President Howard W. Hunter in 1994. As she spoke these words, I knew that this was what our own ward needed to hear. I leaned over to my brother who was attending the funeral with me, and asked if he picked up on where this wonderful quote came from. He said that he too loved this quote so much, he printed it up years ago, and he remembered exactly where it came from. He then said it was the 1994 First Presidency Devotional spoken by President Howard W. Hunter.
After the funeral, I went home and looked up this talk on LDS.org, and sure enough, there it was. I read through the whole devotional and loved it and took snippets of the talk to create this Christmas message for our ward. The Bishop loved it too, as the very things that are included in this talk are how we all should be living our lives, every day. If we did, this world would be a Celestial place! This talk can be found at this link: http://classic.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=c27076e6ffe0c010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD
Feel free to use this printable, to give out to the Sisters you Visit teach, use in your Relief Society, your ward, or to whomever you feel would appreciate this great message.
I have had several emails recently asking me how to download my creations, because I don't use the traditional downloading software. Just open up the image on my blog that you want to use, right click, save as (to whatever file on your computer that you will remember it saved in). Simple as that. Then to print, you open up the image on your own computer and print. The only thing that I ask is that you don't take credit for my work, though you can give it out freely otherwise. If people ask where they could find what you have printed from my blog, please tell them so that they can enjoy and use what I post.
Enjoy! Katie G.
thank you so much!!!! seriously, thank you!
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Love, Didi
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Love, Didi
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Love, Didi
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Love, Didi
You are wonderful!! I'm a new RS President and am giving this to our sisters for Christmas. I can't thank you enough for all your creativity, inspiration, and for sharing.
You are wonderful!! I'm a new RS President and am giving this to our sisters for Christmas. I can't thank you enough for your creativity, inspiration, and for sharing.
That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it!
thank you from the saints in belfast, n.ireland.
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