I contacted the Deseret News and they did not have this article on their online newspaper, so I had my computer genius son, take my clipping from the news paper and clean it up and make it into a clean and readable document.

I also wanted to share with you a MARVELOUS sourse for Christmas Stories, and I don't use this term lightly. Project Gutenburg not only has a whole collection of original classic Christmas stories, but classic books of all kinds, that they have preserved and are free to read and enjoy for everyone. Their website is: http://www.gutenberg.org When you arrive at that website, in the L column, click on "categories" then "bookshelf" then "Children's bookshelf" then go to "Christmas Bookshelf". (it is easier to just go to the link which is http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Christmas_%28Bookshelf%29
Because my blog is all about Tips, handouts and ideas... I have some now to share with you....
Now you realize that by me sharing with you this website, I am giving away some of my secrets! This is where I find some of my most wonderful vintage photos that I use to create some fun things as they are in Public domain. BUT with that said... Scroll down and you will see the most wonderful Classic Childrens Christmas Books! One that you must go to is the illustrated "Night before Christmas: A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement Clarke Moore. The images are vintage and some of the most beautiful artwork that ever was printed, at least in my estimation.

I hope you will take advantage of these fun tips to not only make your family's days that lead up to Christmas more memorable, spiritual, and fun, but begin a wonderful family tradition of your own that will be carried on in the hearts of your children throughout their lifetime.
Katie G.
Loved this post, except that I couldn't read the scanned news article. I downloaded it but couldn't zoom in and read it. Any chance you could scan it OCR and repost the ideas?
HOw can I get an enlarged copy of the devotional advent? I love this idea.
Christmas devotionals doesn't print clearly. Can't read any of the words. It is a great idea and I would love this but as I said can't read it.
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