As we entered the Cultural hall, tables had been set up all around the room, and the centerpieces were Springy and Easter centered. Each table represented a particular district and the sisters who reported to a particular Visiting Teaching Supervisor, all sat at that table. In the center of the table were some slips of paper on which some questions about Visiting Teaching were printed. During brunch, we as a table were to discuss the question or situation and determine how to best answer it. After the brunch was served, which by the way was wonderful, each table chose a spokesperson to go to the microphone and share what the table had discussed.
Some of the questions that I remember was...
- Is is ever ok to ask to be released from a Visiting Teaching partnership?
- What do you do if your partners schedule and yours conflicts... how do you get your teaching done?
- What constitutes a Visit? When is it ok to send a letter or a phone call?
- What do you do if your partner dominates the entire visit and only talks about herself?
- Do you always need to take something to your sisters that you Visit Teach?
There were lots of other questions, and there ended up being lots of ways to answer them.
I know you are dying to know what was served for brunch? Well it was really nice and some good sisters must have gotten up early to make all the quiche's that were served as there were two different kinds of quiche's per table. I am trying to think what else, and I am thinking there were some strawberries as well and I believe that they served Orange Juice. Now if there is anyone from my ward how remembers better than I do, please comment and correct me.
This lasted all of an hour and a half, and it was fun to visit with the sisters at my table. I live in a new ward, and the Relief Society are always making great efforts to encourage the sisters to get to know and serve one another.
This was a simple idea but was made very lovely by the Relief Society leaders. It was a nice way to encourage Visiting Teaching, dispel myths and problem solve as well. I enjoyed it!
1 comment:
You had some great ideas here. Thank you for sharing!
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